반응형 전체 글11 Ttarabi Oreum When I first arrived in Jeju more than a decade ago, I knew almost nothing about the island.All I had was the excitement of starting anew, the anticipation of change, and the simple necessity of adapting to this new life. I was too busy and unfamiliar with everything to truly take in my surroundings. Now that I’ve settled in after so many years, I find myself regularly walking the Olle trails an.. 2025. 2. 27. The Beautifully Named - Bichimi Oreum A volcanic hill that comes to mind during the winter season.Even when I contemplate exploring a new place, my heart always return to the same few Oreums on my list.Once again, I found myself revisiting the beautifully named Bichimi Oreum.Perhaps because I visit only once or twice a year, Bichimi Oreum feels new every time. A path left untamed, where few footsteps tread, preserving nature in its .. 2025. 2. 26. Winter at Hallasan Witse Oreum Every year, I make it a point to visit Witse Oreum at least twice — once in winter and again in spring when the Azaleas bloom. However, this winter, I missed my usual trip. Telling myself I’d go soon, I kept putting it off, only to realize that winter had already flown by. Even though it snowed heavily just the other day, I couldn’t bring myself to take out my hiking gear. Now, with the snow beg.. 2025. 2. 25. Jeju Hayeong Olle Course 1 Jeju Seogwipo's Hayeong Olle Course 1 - The Beauty of Late Winter Recently, I took a walk along Hayeong Olle Course 1, located in Seogwipo, Jeju. This path, where I strolled leisurely while soaking in the beautiful scenery of Jeju, was filled with the simple charm and tranquility of nature. The plum blossoms had yet to bloom, but the red flower buds signaled that spring was not too far away. Ha.. 2025. 2. 24. 눈 내린 제주, 머체왓숲길 겨울 트레킹 📌 여행 개요여행지: 머체왓숲길 & 소롱콧길 (제주 서귀포)추천 코스: 머체왓숲길 → 방사탑 → 소롱콧길 → 주차장특징: 겨울철 설경, 삼나무 & 편백나무 숲길, 눈길 트레킹제주의 겨울은 늘 새로운 풍경을 보여줍니다.특히, 눈이 내린 날이면 제주의 숲길은 마치 동화 속 세상처럼 변하죠. 🌿✨지난번 사려니숲에서 받은 감동이 아직도 생생한데요.이번에는 또 다른 감성을 느끼고자 머체왓숲길을 찾았습니다.🌲 머체왓숲길, 겨울 속의 힐링머체왓숲길은 한라산 자락 아래 펼쳐진 삼나무와 편백나무 숲길입니다. 🌲여름에는 초록빛이 가득하지만, 겨울이 되면 하얀 눈이 나무 사이를 뒤덮으며 장관을 이루죠.🚗 방문 TIP최근 머체왓숲길이 점점 유명해지면서 주차장이 확장되었어요.평소엔 차량이 많은데, 오늘은 눈이 내려 그.. 2025. 2. 22. 이전 1 2 다음